
Team coaching

« Thanks for the very professional and creative design and facilitation of our team event – we felt empowered to take action and deal with our organisational and team challenges, mobilised and re-energised by the International Milestones team of coaches who accompanied us skillfully and with a high level of commitment on our journey. We particularly appreciated the creative methods used as well as the fun, sharing atmosphere during the World Café process. »

C.P., HR Manager, global FMCG company

« These multicultural sessions were a real success as they went well beyond stereotypes by proposing tools that enable us to think for ourselves and decide on the proper behaviours to adopt. The interactive, playful dimension of the approach was particularly appreciated as it raised awareness about the potential pitfalls and blunders to be avoided in international situations. A lot of the contents of the seminars can be exploited as much in a professional as in a personal context. »

V.P. Marketing Manager, international FMCG corporation

« Thank you for the well organised and well managed teambuilding seminar; we did appreciate a lot your professional approach and your dedicated preparations that concluded in a succesful event for the entire team. With fun and well chosen sequences, we were able to reach the set targets that we needed to achieve. Looking foreward to working together again !»

X.G., BU Manager, international industrial company

«  Being in purchasing management, I coach and advise purchasers regularly. Never I could have imagined to be able to lead an academic Purchasing training with theory and business case scenarios for several days and be successful.

Andra, from International Milestones, gave me the tools to feel at ease with my audience and most important interact at the right time to maintain the group dynamic and motivation.

Through role plays, behavioral sketches workshops, I learnt how to interact with people, share my passion and knowledge with junior buyers or new comers to the function.

I now feel comfortable and confident when I train people and take great pleasure in it..»

R.B. Purchasing Manager Nth America, Global industrial company

Individual coaching

« A good coaching relies first and foremost on a good human relationship between coach and client and this was definitely the case for me. One also needs to face edgy situations, lift barriers and change limiting beliefs which can sometimes prove to be quite challenging; Andra managed to hold the space for me, adopt the right attitude and listen with great empathy while calling me forth to make the necessary moves. Her positive approach and dynamic posture are very stimulating during difficult times.»

I.A., HR, international IT group

« Working with Andra was very pleasant experience – dynamic, enthusiastic, fun, yet quite demanding and with a high level of exigence. She is a coach that has a subtle understanding of complex corporate situations. Thanks to her finely tuned listening, her intuition and her deep empathy, she can perceive and help explore the implicit needs of her client (…) »

MC.A., HR Director, international FMCG group

« Andra helped me leverage my communication skills to a wider range of audiences and increase my professional efficiency at a moment when I was facing critical challenges. She is great at intuitively and quickly understanding people’s true needs without hi-jacking their hectic agenda. She is definitely one of the best career coaches I met. »

M.L., VP & Senior Partner, International Marketing group

« Despite a very tight schedule my coach helped me assess and greatly improve my communication skills, particularly in public speaking (I don’t enjoy speaking in public yet but I do not dread it anymore and feel comfortable about it). I strongly recommend her as a highly professional coach. »

S.L., General Secretary of a French Public Administration Organization

« (…) through her masterful questioning technique she can provoke deep awareness and stimulate change in a soft, yet powerful way. She uses mataphors, stories, creative exercises and practical examples to help change perspectives and forward the action. »

E.Y., R&D manager, international industrial group

Supervision and Mentoring

“Working with Andra as my supervisor was like a huge dose of adrenaline. I felt supported and championed which was really rewarding.
I have found some essence in my work and thanks to Andra’s powerful bottom lining and reframing my coaching work obtained a kind of quintessence!”

Y.T., Supervision client 2019

« I started a coaching supervision engagement with Andra in 2017 and have been benefiting ever since of her professional and supportive approach. Andra is generous in sharing glimpses of her vision and her multicultural experience which proves very precious for a coach to open up to other perspectives and reference systems, widen their scope and enrich their practice. Thank you for your high quality commitment and your availability in situations when a specific client case required more regular follow-up work. “

J.N. Supervision client 2017 – 2020

“Andra Morosi supervised me during my ACC certification. I felt fully supported and challenged by Andra to help me move to the next level in my coaching. She models good practice, and with her focused approach and great questioning she gently encourages you to go one step further. I enjoyed and benefitted from her mentoring and supervision – achieving my certification which had been my primary objective. “

L.C. Supervision client 2019